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Dokument BGB Book 4 Family Law
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=U4= Sec1837 -- Section 1837 Advice and supervision

-- =S=> BGB 1837. 1 The family court advises the guardians . It assists in introducing them to their tasks . BGB 1837. 2 The family court is to supervise all the activity of the guardian and of the supervisory guardian and to intervene against breaches of duty by suitable orders and prohibitions . It may instruct the guardian and the supervisory guardian to take out insurance against damage that they may cause to the ward . BGB 1837. 3 The family court may enjoin the guardian and the supervisory guardian to observe its directions by imposing coercive fines . No coercive fine is imposed on the youth welfare office or an association . BGB 1837. 4 Sections 1666 and 1666a and section 1696 apply with the necessary modifications .

=U4= Sec1838 -- Section 1838 repealed


=U4= Sec1839 -- Section 1839 Duty of information of the guardian

-- =S=> BGB 1839 The family court must , on request , at any time give information to the guardian and the supervisory guardian on the conduct of the guardianship and on the personal circumstances of the ward .

=U4= Sec1840 -- Section 1840 Report and rendering of account

-- =S=> BGB 1840. 1 The guardian must report to the family court at least once a year on the personal circumstances of the ward .
=S=> BGB 1840. 2 The guardian must render an account to the family court of his management of the assets .
=S=> BGB 1840. 3 The account is to be rendered annually . The accounting year is laid down by the family court .
=S=> BGB 1840. 4 If the management is of a small extent , the family court , after the account has been rendered for the first year , may order that the account is to be rendered for longer periods , of a maximum of three years .

=U4= Sec1841 -- Section 1841 Contents of the account

-- =S=> BGB 1841. 1 The account should contain an organised record of the receipts and expenditure , on disposals and acquisitions of assets and , to the extent that it is customary to provide supporting documents , to be provided with supporting documents .
=S=> BGB 1841. 2 If a trade or business is operated with commercial bookkeeping , then a financial statement drawn up from the books is sufficient as an account . The family court may , however , require the books and other supporting documents to be submitted .

=U4= Sec1842 -- Section 1842 Cooperation of the supervisory guardian

-- =S=> BGB 1842 If there is a supervisory guardian or a supervisory guardian is to be appointed , the guardian must submit the account to him , with proof of the amount of the assets . The supervisory guardian must make on the account the annotations which the examination gives him cause to make .

=U4= Sec1843 -- Section 1843 Examination by the family court

-- =S=> BGB 1843. 1 The family court must examine the account from an accounting point of view and objectively and , to the extent that this is necessary , arrange for its correction and supplementation .
=S=> BGB 1843. 2 Claims that remain disputed between the guardian and the ward may be judicially asserted even before the termination of the guardianship relationship .

=U4= Sec1844 -- Section 1844 repealed


=U4= Sec1845 -- Section 1845 repealed


=U4= Sec1846 -- Section 1846 Interim measures of the family court

-- =S=> BGB 1846 If a guardian has not yet been appointed or if the guardian is prevented from carrying out his duties , the familycourt must take the measures that are necessary in the interest of the person affected .

=U4= Sec1847 -- Section 1847 Hearing of the relatives

-- =S=> BGB 1847 In important matters , the familycourt should hear relatives by blood or marriage of the ward if this can be done without substantial delay and without disproportionate costs . Section 1779 ( 3 ) sentence 2 applies with the necessary modifications .

=U4= Sec1848 -- Section 1848 repealed
