PunktNr Überschrift
Dokument BGB Book 4 Family Law
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=S=> BGB 1688. 1 If a child lives in foster care for a long period , the foster carer is entitled to decide in matters of everyday life and to represent the person with parental custody in such matters . The person is authorised to manage the child's earnings from work and to assert and manage maintenance , insurance , pension and other social security benefits for the child . Section 1629 ( 1 ) sentence 4 applies with the necessary modifications .
=S=> BGB 1688. 2 The foster carer is equivalent to a person who in connection with the help under sections 34 , 35 and 35a ( 1 ) sentence 2 nos . 3 and 4 of Book Eight of the Social Security Code [ Sozialgesetzbuch ] has taken on the upbringing of and care for a child .
=S=> BGB 1688. 3 Subsections ( 1 ) and ( 2 ) do not apply if the person with parental custody declares otherwise . The family court may restrict or exclude the powers under subsections ( 1 ) and ( 2 ) if this is necessary for the best interests of the child .
=S=> BGB 1688. 4 For a person with whom the child , on the basis of a court decision under section 1632 ( 4 ) or section 1682 , resides , subsections ( 1 ) and ( 3 ) apply subject to the proviso that the powers set out may be restricted or excluded only by the family court .