PunktNr Überschrift
Dokument BGB Book 3 Law of Property
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=U4= Sec958 -- Section 958 Acquisition of ownership of ownerless movable things

-- =S=> BGB 958. 1 A person who takes proprietary possession of an ownerless movable thing acquires ownership of the thing .
=S=> BGB 958. 2 The ownership is not acquired if the appropriation is prohibited by law or if the taking possession injures the right of appropriation of another .

=U4= Sec959 -- Section 959 Abandonment of ownership

-- =S=> BGB 959 A movable thing becomes ownerless if the owner , in the intention of waiving ownership , gives up the possession of the thing .

=U4= Sec960 -- Section 960 Wild animals

-- =S=> BGB 960. 1 Wild animals are ownerless as long as they are free . Wild animals in zoos and fish in ponds or other self-contained private waters are not ownerless .
=S=> BGB 960. 2 Where a captured wild animal regains freedom , it becomes ownerless if the owner fails to pursue the animal without undue delay or if he gives up the pursuit .
=S=> BGB 960. 3 A tamed animal becomes ownerless if it gives up the habit of returning to the place determined for it .

=U4= Sec961 -- Section 961 Loss of ownership of bee swarms

-- =S=> BGB 961 Where a swarm of bees takes flight , it becomes ownerless if the owner fails to pursue it without undue delay or if he gives up the pursuit .

=U4= Sec962 -- Section 962 Right of pursuit of the owner

-- =S=> BGB 962 The owner of the swarm of bees may , in pursuit , enter on plots of land belonging to others . If the swarm has entered an unoccupied beehive belonging to another , the owner of the swarm , for the purpose of capturing it , may open the hive and remove or break out the combs . He must make compensation for the damage caused .

=U4= Sec963 -- Section 963 Merging of bee swarms

-- =S=> BGB 963 If bee swarms of more than one owner that have moved out merge , the owners who have pursued their swarms become co-owners of the total swarm captured ; the shares are determined according to the number of swarms pursued .

=U4= Sec964 -- Section 964 Intermixture of bee swarms

-- =S=> BGB 964 If a bee swarm has moved into an occupied beehive belonging to another , the ownership and the other rights in the bees that were occupying the beehive extend to the swarm that has moved in . The ownership and the other rights in the swarm that has moved in are extinguished .