PunktNr Überschrift
Dokument Basic Law Republic of Germany
Orginal 0
=S=> GG 52. 1 The Bundesrat shall elect its President for one year .
=S=> GG 52. 2 The President shall convene the Bundesrat . He shall be obliged to do so if the delegates of at least two Länder or the Federal Government so demand .
=S=> GG 52. 3 Decisions of the Bundesrat shall require at least a majority of its votes . It shall adopt rules of procedure . Its meetings shall be open to the public . The public may be excluded .
=S=> GG 52. 3a For matters concerning the European Union the Bundesrat may establish a Chamber for European Affairs , whose decisions shall be considered decisions of the Bundesrat ; the number of votes to be uniformly cast by the Länder shall be determined by paragraph ( 2 ) of Article 51.
=S=> GG 52. 4 Other members or representatives of Land governments may serve on committees of the Bundesrat .