DeutschGermany Grundwort fehlt
Fachbebietfehlt Trennung: Ge|rmany
Inhaltfehlt Status:
Worttyp fehlt
BGB Book 1 General Part
BGB Book 2 Law of Obligations
BGB Book 3 Law of Property
BGB Book 4 Family Law
Basic Law Republic of Germany
Republic of Germany
Basic Law for the Federal Republic of Germany
BGB ) the Germany
BGB 557b. 1 The parties to the contract may agree in writing that the rent is to be determined by means of the price index for the cost of living of all private households in Germany computed by the Federal Statistics Office [ Statistisches Bundesamt ] ( indexed rent ) .
BGB 558d. 2 The expert list of representative rents is to be adjusted for market trends at intervals of two years . When this is done , a spot check or the trend of the price index for living standards of all private households in Germany computed by the Federal Statistical Office [ Statistisches Bundesamt ] may be used as a basis . After four years a new expert list of representative rents must be produced .
BGB 1587 In accordance with the Pension Equalisation Act , an equalisation takes place between the divorced spouses of rights existing in Germany or elsewhere , in particular of the statutory pensions insurance , from other standard security systems such as civil servants pensions or pensions of a professional group , from company pensions or from private old-age and invalidity pensions .