DeutschFamily Grundwort fehlt
Fachbebietfehlt Trennung: Fam|ily
Inhaltfehlt Status:
Worttyp fehlt
BGB Book 4 Family Law
Section 1355 Family name
BGB 1592 The father of a child is the man who is married to the mother of the child at the date of the birth , who has acknowledged paternity or whose paternity has been judicially established under section 1600d or section 182 ( 1 ) of the Act on the Procedure in Family Matters and in Matters of Non-contentious Jurisdiction [ Gesetz über das Verfahren in Familiensachen und in den Angelegenheiten der freiwilligen Gerichtsbarkeit ] .
BGB 1684. 3 The family court may decide on the scope of the right of contact and make more detailed provisions on its exercise , including provisions affecting third parties . It may enjoin the parties by orders to fulfil the duty defined in subsection ( 2 ) . If the obligation in accordance with subsection ( 2 ) is considerably violated permanently or repeatedly , the family court may also order custodianship for the implementation of access ( access custodianship ) . Access custodianship includes the right to demand surrender of the child to implement access and to determine where the child is to be for the duration of access . The order is to be time-limited . Section 277 of the Act on the Procedure in Family Matters and in Matters of Non-contentious Jurisdiction applies with the necessary modifications to compensation for expenditure and remuneration of the access custodian .