Englischdid Grundwort fehlt
Fachbebietfehlt Trennung: did
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Am 1,11 Thus saith Jehovah : For three transgressions of Edom , yea , for four , I will not turn away the punishment thereof ; because he did pursue his brother with the sword , and did cast off all pity , and his anger did tear perpetually , and he kept his wrath for ever :
Am 2,4 Thus saith Jehovah : For three transgressions of Judah , yea , for four , I will not turn away the punishment thereof ; because they have rejected the law of Jehovah , and have not kept his statutes , and their lies have caused them to err , after which their fathers did walk :
Am 5,19 As if a man did flee from a lion , and a bear met him ; or went into the house and leaned his hand on the wall , and a serpent bit him .
Gen 3,6 And when the woman saw that the tree was good for food , and that it was a delight to the eyes , and that the tree was to be desired to make one wise , she took of the fruit thereof , and did eat ; and she gave also unto her husband with her , and he did eat .