PunktNr Überschrift
Dokument BGB Book 3 Law of Property
Orginal 0
=S=> BGB 1039. 1 The usufructuary also acquires the ownership of such fruits as he takes contrary to the rules of proper management or such fruits as he takes in excess because this has become necessary as the result of a particular event . However , notwithstanding his responsibility for fault , he is obliged to reimburse the owner the value of the fruits at the end of the usufruct and to provide security for the fulfilment of this obligation . Both the owner and the usufructuary may require that the amount to be reimbursed is used to restore the thing to the extent that this complies with proper management .
=S=> BGB 1039. 2 If the outlay is not required to restore the thing , the duty to reimburse ends to the extent that the emoluments due to the usufructuary are adversely affected by the improper or excessive taking of emoluments .