Level: Leistung: fehlt Status:
EnglischGG 143d. 2 As assistance for compliance with the provisions of paragraph ( 3 ) of Article 109 after 1 January 2020 , the Länder of Berlin , Bremen , Saarland , Saxony-Anhalt , and Schleswig-Holstein may receive , for the period 2011 to 2019 , consolidation assistance from the federal budget in the global amount of 800 million euros annually . The respective amounts are 300 million euros for Bremen , 260 million euros for Saarland , and 80 million euros each for Berlin , Saxony-Anhalt , and Schleswig-Holstein . The assistance payments shall be allocated on the basis of an administrative agreement under the terms of a federal law requiring the consent of the Bundesrat . These grants require a complete reduction of financial deficits by the end of 2020. The details , especially the annual steps to be taken to reduce financial deficits , the supervision of the reduction of financial deficits by the Stability Council , along with the consequences entailed in case of failure to carry out the step-by-step reduction , s hall be regulated by a federal law requiring the consent of the Bundesrat and by an administrative agreement . There shall be no simultaneous granting of consolidation assistance and redevelopment assistance on the grounds of an extreme budgetary emergency .