Level: Leistung: fehlt Status:
EnglischBGB 2057a. 1 A descendant who , as a result of work over a long period in the household , occupation or business of the deceased , of substantial financial contributions or in another way has to a particular degree contributed to the preservation or increase of the property of the deceased , may , in the partitioning , demand adjustment between the descendants who inherit as heirs on intestacy together with him ; section 2052 applies with the necessary modifications . This also applies to a descendant who cared for the deceased for a long period , giving up employment income . BGB 2057a. 2 An adjustment may not be demanded if appropriate payment was made or agreed for the work , or to the extent that the descendant , on account of his work , has a claim on another legal basis . It does not conflict with the duty to adjust advancements if the work was done under sections 1619 and 1620. BGB 2057a. 3 The adjustment amount is to be assessed in such a way as is equitable with regard to the duration and scope of the work and to the value of the estate . BGB 2057a. 4 In the partitioning , the adjustment amount is added to the share of the inheritance of the co-heir entitled to adjustment . All the adjustment amounts are deducted from the value of the estate , to the extent that this is due to the co-heirs among whom the adjustment takes place .
BGB 2057a. 1 Ein Abkömmling , der durch Mitarbeit im Haushalt , Beruf oder Geschäft des Erblassers während längerer Zeit , durch erhebliche Geldleistungen oder in anderer Weise in besonderem Maße dazu beigetragen hat , dass das Vermögen des Erblassers erhalten oder vermehrt wurde , kann bei der Auseinandersetzung eine Ausgleichung unter den Abkömmlingen verlangen , die mit ihm als gesetzliche Erben zur Erbfolge gelangen ; § 2052 gilt entsprechend . Dies gilt auch für einen Abkömmling , der den Erblasser während längerer Zeit gepflegt hat .