Level: Leistung: fehlt Status:
EnglischBGB 1822 The guardian requires the approval of the family court : for a legal transaction by which the ward is obliged to make a disposition of his property as a whole or of an inheritance that has accrued to him or of his future share of the inheritance on intestacy or of his future compulsory portion , and a disposition of the share of the ward in an inheritance , to disclaim an inheritance or a legacy , to waive a compulsory portion and for a contract for the division of an inheritance , for a contract which is directed to the nongratuitous acquisition or the disposal of a trade or business and for a shareholders ' or partnership agreement that is entered into to operate a trade or business , for a usufructuary lease of a farm or a commercial business , for a lease or usufructuary lease or another contract which obliges the ward to make periodical payments , if the contractual relationship is to continue for more than one year after the ward reaches the age of majority , for an apprenticeship agreement that is entered into for longer than one year , for a contract directed to the assumption of a service or employment relationship if the ward is to be obliged to render performance in person for longer than one year , for taking out a loan against the credit of the ward , for issuing a bearer bond or for the assumption of an obligation under a bill of exchange or another instrument that may be transferred by endorsement , for the assumption of the liability of a third party , in particular for the assumption of a guarantee , for the granting of a full commercial power of agency , for a settlement or an arbitration agreement , unless the object of the dispute or of the uncertainty can be assessed in money and does not exceed the value of 3,000 euros , or the settlement corresponds to a judicial settlement suggestion made in writing or recorded by the court , for a legal transaction that cancels or reduces the existing security for a claim of the ward or creates a duty to cancel or reduce it .