Level: Leistung: fehlt Status:
EnglischBGB 1612b. 2 The person entitled may demand performance for the past without the restriction of subsection ( 1 ) by reason of an irregular exceptionally high need ( special need ) ; after the end of a one-year period since it arose , this claim may be asserted only if the person obliged is first in default or the claim has become pending at court ; for the period in which he a)for legal reasons or b)for factual reasons which fall into the area of responsibility of the person liable for maintenance , was prevented from asserting the maintenance claim .
DeutschBGB 1612b. 2 Ist das Kindergeld wegen der Berücksichtigung eines nicht gemeinschaftlichen Kindes erhöht , ist es im Umfang der Erhöhung nicht bedarfsmindernd zu berücksichtigen .
BGB 1612b. 2 If the child benefit is increased to take account of a child that is not a child of both spouses , it is , in the amount of the increase , not to be taken into account as reducing the requirements .