Level: Leistung: fehlt Status:
EnglischBGB 1612b. 1 For the past , the person entitled may claim performance or damages for non-performance only from the date on which the person obliged , for the purpose of asserting the maintenance claim , was requested to provide information on his income and his assets , on which the person obliged was in default or on which the maintenance claim became pending at court . The maintenance is owed from the first of the month in which the events referred to fall if the maintenance claim existed in principle on this date .
DeutschBGB 1612b. 1 Das auf das Kind entfallende Kindergeld ist zur Deckung seines Barbedarfs zu verwenden : 1. zur Hälfte , wenn ein Elternteil seine Unterhaltspflicht durch Betreuung des Kindes erfüllt ( § 1606 Abs . 3 Satz 2 ) ; 2. in allen anderen Fällen in voller Höhe . In diesem Umfang mindert es den Barbedarf des Kindes .
BGB 1612b. 1 The child benefit for the child is to be used to meet its cash requirements as follows : half of the child benefit if one parent performs his obligation to maintain by caring for the child ( section 1606 ( 3 ) sentence 2 ) ; in all other cases , the complete child benefit . To this extent , it reduces the cash requirements of the child .