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EnglischBGB 503. 2 The entrepreneur may only withdraw from an instalment payment transaction by reason of default in payment by the consumer if the requirements described in section 498 ( 1 ) are satisfied . The consumer must also compensate the entrepreneur for the expenses incurred as a result of the contract . In the calculation of remuneration for the emoluments of a thing to be returned , the decrease in value that has since occurred must be taken into account . If the entrepreneur takes back the thing supplied under the instalment payment transaction , he is deemed to be exercising the right of withdrawal , unless the entrepreneur agrees with the consumer to pay the latter the usual market value of the thing at the time of its removal . Sentence 4 applies with the necessary modifications if a contract for the supply of a thing is connected to a consumer loan contract ( section 358 ( 2 ) ) and if the lender takes the thing for himself ; in the case of withdrawal , the legal relationship between the lender and the consumer is determined under sentences 2 and 3.
BGB 503. 2 Der Verzugszinssatz beträgt abweichend von § 497 Abs . 1 für das Jahr 2,5 Prozentpunkte über dem Basiszinssatz .