Level: Leistung: fehlt Status:
EnglischBGB 493. 1 The provisions of section 492 do not apply to consumer loan contracts in which a banking institution gives a borrower the right to overdraw his current account by a specified amount , if , apart from interest , no other charges are made for the loan taken out and the interest is not charged in periods shorter than three months . The banking institution must advise the borrower prior to such a loan being drawn on of the maximum limit of the loan , the annual rate of interest applicable at the time of the advice , the terms on which the rate of interest can be changed , the provisions for termination of the contract . The contract terms referred to in sentence 2 nos . 1 to 4 must be confirmed in writing to the borrower at the latest after the borrower has drawn on the loan for the first time . During the period in which he is drawing on the loan the borrower must also be given notice of any change in the annual rate of interest . The confirmation under sentence 3 and the notice under sentence 4 must be made in text form ; it is sufficient if they are given on a bank statement .
BGB 493. 1 Ist in einem Verbraucherdarlehensvertrag der Sollzinssatz gebunden und endet die Sollzinsbindung vor der für die Rückzahlung bestimmten Zeit , unterrichtet der Darlehensgeber den Darlehensnehmer spätestens drei Monate vor Ende der Sollzinsbindung darüber , ob er zu einer neuen Sollzinsbindungsabrede bereit ist . Erklärt sich der Darlehensgeber hierzu bereit , muss die Unterrichtung den zum Zeitpunkt der Unterrichtung vom Darlehensgeber angebotenen Sollzinssatz enthalten .