Level: Leistung: fehlt Status:
EnglischBGB 212. 1 The limitation period recommences if the obligor acknowledges the claim towards the obligee by part payment , the payment of interest , the provision of security or in another way , or a judicial or official act of execution is undertaken or applied for . BGB 212. 2 The recommencement of the limitation period as a result of an act of execution is considered not to have occurred if the act of execution is cancelled on the application of the obligee or as the result of a failure to comply with the statutory requirements . BGB 212. 3 The recommencement of the limitation period as a result of an application for an act of execution is considered not to have occurred if the application is not granted or is withdrawn before the act or the act of execution obtained is cancelled under subsection ( 2 ) above .
BGB 212. 1 Die Verjährung beginnt erneut , wenn 1. der Schuldner dem Gläubiger gegenüber den Anspruch durch Abschlagszahlung , Zinszahlung , Sicherheitsleistung oder in anderer Weise anerkennt oder 2. eine gerichtliche oder behördliche Vollstreckungshandlung vorgenommen oder beantragt wird .