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LateinGen 8,9 Quae , cum non invenisset , ubi requiesceret pes eius , reversa est ad eum in arcam ; aquae enim erant super universam terram . Extenditque manum et apprehensam intulit in arcam .
8. Kap. Et book Genesis , chapter 8
DeutschGen 8,9 Die Taube fand keinen Halt für ihre Füße und kehrte zu ihm in die Arche zurück , weil über der ganzen Erde noch Wasser stand . Er streckte seine Hand aus und nahm die Taube wieder zu sich in die Arche .
Gen 8,9 but the dove found no rest for the sole of her foot , and she returned unto him to the ark ; for the waters were on the face of the whole earth : and he put forth his hand , and took her , and brought her in unto him into the ark .